Obavijesti - IFSW


Take a look at this weeks latest news stories posted on IFSW.org IFSW Advocacy at the UN's Summit of the Future Posted on Aug 19, 2024 12:34...


Dear colleagues, Due to the high requests received, the deadline for abstracts submission for the 4th edition of the Social Work International Conference (SWIC), The...


8 -11 September 2019 Vienna Registration    Dear members of IFSW Europe, I am delighted to invite you to start your registration for the IFSW European Conference in Vienna:...


To the President of the Portuguese Parliament Your Excellency, Mr Eduardo Ferro Rodrigues, The International Federation of Social Workers (IFSW) European Region has followed the...


Dear all, I posted a video message in IFSW website regarding the regional message for the WSWD 2018. https://youtu.be/x92cT756b0s ​ Best Regards Ana I. Lima-Fernández President International Federation of Social...


„Impresioniran sam ovom Konferencijom, velikim odazivom, uključenošću i angažmanom svih prisutnih socijalnih radinka. Tijekom ovih nekoliko dana sam iz razgovora s vama doznao koliko je...


On behalf of the scientific committee we invite psychiatrists, practitioners, psychiatric mental health nurses, psychologists, health scientists, educators, trainers, researchers, managers, and policymakers engaged...


Dear members, Please find attached Social Platform’s Guide "Public procurement for social progress" in English. Linguistic versions in FR, ES, DE, IT and Croatian will be...


Dear IFSW Members, The Book Economic Crisis in Europe was launched at the Delegates Meeting 2015 in Edinburgh, as the final report of the Project:...


ENS4Care - 6th ENS4Care Newsletter: Evidence Based Guidelines for Nursing and  Social Care on eHealth Services